Bellevue University   
Homepage Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) Test  
The Partner:
Since its founding in 1966, Bellevue University has been focused on working adult learners. From their campus in Bellevue, Nebraska, they have become nationally recognized as a leader in affordable, lifelong learning. Enrolling approximately 9,000 students annually, there are currently over 50,000 people who call Bellevue University their alma mater.  
The Project:
Bellevue University's homepage needed a refresh to reflect how the university is designed to better serve hardworking adult students. In order to maximize conversions, we created an A/B test with two versions. One focused on relating to the lifestyles of working parents and another with a broader emphasis on career impact and outcomes.  
The Results:
The winning variation – the one focused on lifestyles – had a 22% higher increase in information request (RFI) form submissions over the other variation.   
Date: March 2020
Key Roles: Creative Strategy 
                     Web Design  

                     UX Design 
                     SEO Strategy 
Desktop and mobile mockup of the winning variation. 
Variation 1 - Outcomes
Variation 2 - Family Focus


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