Rasmussen University   
The History of Surgery Video 
The Partner:
Rasmussen University is a regionally accredited private college with over 20 campuses in Minnesota, North Dakota, Florida, Wisconsin, Illinois, Kansas and online. 
The Project:
Rasmussen was looking for a way to use quality, informative content marketing to reach their audience. The subject matter for this video is dark in nature so we decided to be playful with the storytelling and visual approach, creating custom illustrations, animations and voice-over for this piece. The final result was made into an article on the blog and posted to YouTube. A series of 10-second clips were then produced to share across social media.  
The Results:
In the first week of sharing in October of 2016, the campaign reached nearly 40,000 users on Facebook, nearly 50,000 on Twitter and over 40,000 on Instagram, and was watched nearly 1,500 times on YouTube. To date, this is one of the most successful social media campaigns Rasmussen has done, with nearly 40,000 views on YouTube since its debut. The blog post is still gaining traction with over 10,000 user sessions since it launched and over 5,000 in 2020 alone at the time of this writing. 
Date: October 2016
Key Roles: Content Marketing

                     Creative Strategy 
                     Voice Acting 
                     Video Production 
                     Digital Strategy 
                     Social Promotion      

A collection of initial sketches for the video. 
Final illustrations for the video.
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